Understanding the NDIS
The NDIS is Australia's first national scheme for people living with a disability. The scheme provides funding directly to access supports and services as outlined in their NDIS plan
A more inclusive Australia, where everyone has the same access and opportunity to participate both socially and economically benefits us all.
How Do I Know If I Am Eligible?
How Do I Apply?
Using My Services
To find out if you are eligible for NDIS funding you will need to answer a few simple questions that will determine your eligibility.
Click here to access the eligibility checklist!
*Note - these questions are just a guide, the final decision regarding eligibility is up to the NDIA*
If you've completed the eligibility checklist, and think you may be eligible and want to apply - you can apply one of two ways.
1 - make a verbal application by calling the NDIS on 1800 800 110
2 - Complete and access request form - click here to access the form
For more information on applying, and the information you need to apply - click here
Once your plan is approved, you will need to form an understanding of each budget within your plan, who can help you start using your plan, and how your plan is managed.
Access this information on the NDIS website by clicking here